Waking Up with a Stranger or Life Companion?

We all hear the following sentences about a couple in love: “they are so cute”, “they are crazy in love with one another”, “Nothing will stand between with such love”, “Oh, that couples love is eternal”. Does usually such love last forever? Did it fail after a certain period of time? what happened to these couples when love ceased to exist? Who took the custody of their offspring, if they were married? did they stand each other or that cute couple resumed their separate lives? Whom is taking the blame? – noting that some love really goes infinite and inspiring.

I am posing many recursive day-to-day questions to say that love should not be the only bond for the two lovers to end up with marriage – or at least cohabitation for the ones who don’t believe in marriage -, they should take their time and  look for other common qualities or baseline so that if one day that breath taking flame is put off, both can walk the talk when they declared “Yes, I Do!” and live happy ever after.

There is no sealed best selling list in which a check box on “comply” or “do not comply” for all living human beings, cause in every person to can find some are distinctive and in others none is in pure state. Once you are still in love you take as long as it takes to look for your partner’s behavior and characters that you feel comfortable with and maybe could be common between both of you. You should be wise enough to assess the cons of the other characteristics that you do not adore or mostly despise. This search and dissection over time are very crucial if you reached a stage where marriage proposal is around the corner or maybe fixed too. As stated before, if there are not enough characteristics in your partner that you can admire, you will not overcome that period after the extinction of love. Both lovers will play blame game, stress will poison the air and affect their children attitudes and spirits for a long time, plus their actions will repel their friends cause both sides judgment will be very subjective and blind, without forgetting the partner’s parents being envisaged as horrible to visit, listen to, or even salute.

What every independent persons seeks to find in his parents, colleagues, or even in his best friend should also apply to his lover as he will be his companion till death separates them. To name some qualities that we admire: freedom of choice and decision, trustworthy, intelligence, open in his communication to a certain limits, caring one, a bit romantic, dependable, amusing, down to earth, outgoing to certain extend, generous, selfless, fairly preventative, sociable, and maybe poetic if one is lucky.

For sure it will be much easier for both parties if they know each other since long time, they know the ups and downs in their course of life – this can shorten the time to judge -, even knowing the parents can make that after love era pass smoothly and with no suffering as they will play a role in your life even if not planned. One could say why all that trouble? One can divorce or separate from his partner whenever the bond is lost. Why do you take marriage so lightly – not from religious perspective? But what about your children? You want them to walk that path of divorce and mutual accusation along the way? Do you want your parents to be dragged too besides your friends to the dispute? If you like to fill divorce papers, and show up in courts, and you have enough money to spread, than please be my guest and rush into your bride to be and ask for the secret vow! If you are a reasonable person, you reflect slowly and objectively and act upon, cause these days the rate of divorce is so high that one can buy stock and invest some money in!

Eat Love Pray or Aid Educate Preach?

I read last year the book of Elizabeth Gilbert titled “Eat Pray Love” and I admired how this lady made the difficult path to pursue what she really wants in life on personal level. Plus I loved how in every culture she was experiencing one of these strong verbs, the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India, and last which is the balance between the two in Indonesia. Then as usual, I posed for a second and asked myself that in a disturbed world like ours how can I reflect this excellent verbs to help this universe be a bit better place? My mind quickly equated the Eat with Aid, the Love with Educate, and the Pray with Preach.


Let me elaborate more how by fulfilling these three substitutes not only you will benefit but all the surrounding too.


Aid which is substituting Eat will satisfy my inner self and will help the poor community members feel noticed and can see that that are not forgotten or neglected. Now, how this can be done? Easy, don’t go far! In all communities there are poor families, needy widows, elderly care. So simply save on weekly basis money and ask all of your family and friends – politely – if they can contribute, then buy food or necessary living requirements.  On every Saturday or Sunday deliver them personally to these people with a smile and humbleness. If you will tell me what one will gain, I will gladly shout that I feel not hungry, as I consumed the happiness in their eyes, the humble nodding of their heads, and the hidden tears on their eyes.


Educate which comes instead of Love will prosper and propagate happiness in all participants and attendees. How can we reach that state? Every time you teach an unfortunate child how to pronounce alphabets, how to write and compose sentences, how to do basic mathematical equations and from that you dig deeper as per your availability and passion, you will see how this angel will look at you with open heart, boundless happiness, utmost respect, and infinite love. And if you investigate more, you will know that you are his nominated hero as your name will always be attached in any sentence coming out of his vocals because he is adoring you.


Last by not least, Preach will replace Pray. Here I don’t ask people to preach religious beliefs, I am asking people to preach love, awareness, solidarity, humbleness, ethics, and kindness. When all your acts reflect humbleness, when you give with no return, when you teach with a smile and energy in a open air so called class, when you aid an elder to walk in a park and visit him frequently, everyone you helped him in the way will be praying for you.


Now, by that completed we all ate and reached the utmost pleasure, loved and skyrocketing the notion of devotion, and prayed each one in his way in moderation or in extreme measure as no boundaries for these boundless verbs.