Biased Equality or Biased Viewpoint?

We have been overwhelmed with the necessity, righteousness, ethical, and just calls, laws, and reminders to treat any female as any other male with equal opportunities, promotions, responsibilities at work; and to share house shores, uprising offsprings, and bills payment among female and her male. I, as a male, appologize for the long repetitive unjust, abusing and maltreating centuries to all females till -officially- recent decades that our male encestors follow either purposely or unpurposely.

That being said, one needs to look at both sides or parties of the equation to be balanced. If I step into the males side and look from their perspective, I can see that females are getting their birthrights to be treated equal as males plus other priviledges that males do not. Let us list some, for instance a male is the one who proposed for his beloved female for marriage and certainly sometime he gets rejected which puts him in an uncomfortable situation. Whereas in divorce, both parties can initate the process as both are elligible to trigger it. So the core question is that: why a female cannot or donnot propose for her male lover? -Noting that in some rare cases she does- Is that our customs were always visualizing the male as action taker or that we are trying our best to limit the embarressement or unsecure situations from the gentle sex?

We, again to strengthen on male side, do comprehend that physcially female is weaker than male, that is why we lift their luggages, open heavy doors and do heavy tasks. We also perfectly embrace the reality that solely the female holds the embrion till being fully developed and delivered, but what is not so reasonable these days is why she gets 3 to 6 month maternity leave whereas her husband will be getting maximum couple of weeks in very developed countries? Isn’t it that he will be contributing with his female in baby sitting and development of the the new baby born? Or her male will rush partying for the whole duration and he will be loudly sharing the story of how he became a daddy to his drinking camarades?

These two examples make males pose for a second and wonder if they are assessing the situation right or they are taking it too much biased and maybe should ask their fellows or families if they share the same view? But at that exact point, they hesitate and ingore the whole idea and life goes on.