Go Learn Some Manners and Come Back

It is so irritating to meet someone who is physically with you by mentally on his multi-dimensional virtual smart device or phone either playing gamers, chatting or reading.

If you are one of those please acquire some meeting’s manners and I will be joyful to sit with you.

You are one of them if you act as below:

  1. You don’t look into my eyes when we are doing a conversation cause you are focusing on your devices
  2. Your conversation is somehow very scarce or it passes by many silent phases
  3. You don’t follow the conversation and many times you ask to repeat the last idea, as you were concentrating on your typing and reading notes or chatting pop ups
  4. You Laugh or act inconsistently with the course of the discussion as you were concentrating on your device chatting
  5. You lean your head down to your smart device, whereas it should be for your creator and God!
  6. You ask for internet connection and power plug-in before you rest your body in a coffee shop

Where are we going with this digital world? the illusionist place is better than the living human world? Go back to your senses and communicate face to face?

So next time you want to meet me, learn some manners about human communications and hide your smart device in your bag for sure!

4 thoughts on “Go Learn Some Manners and Come Back

  1. So definitely not worth calling this lady again. If she’s a gorgeous looking human being and your brain can’t seem to stop fantasizing about her then maybe you could teach her your manners. I think the world has become so rude and inconsiderate and people so absent minded. But maybe sometimes a person is worth investing some efforts in.


      • Noo not mocking you. I think we both agree then that this is the new general human behavior and that’s what I meant if a person is worth it maybe a second chance is worth giving. 🙂 not mocking


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